Student to student tutoring in all Computer Science Topics
Why our website is your one stop destination to learning more on the fundementals of Computer Science
Any student regardless of their grade, school, or grades are welcomed only needing a desire to learn. Learn stress free without worrying about your wallet as our program costs no money.
Having time to do things outside of school is tough, thats why we offer help on any topic virtually anytime in the day. We ofter sessions from 6 pm-11:30 pm.
Get help on any Computer Science topic by upperclassman students who have taken the higer levels of Computer Science classes.
Any student, Any school, Any grades
Fill the "Create an Acount" Google Form, and wait 1-2 days
Find a time slot on the "Calendar", 1 days prior to the intended date
Fill in the "Request a Tutor" Google Form 1 days prior
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